Frequently Asked Questions About Committee Participation
How do I get involved in test development activities?
The first step is to complete an application or nominate a colleague. In order to have fair and equal representation, committees are formed based on professional responsibility (i.e., teacher, district subject area coordinator, university/college faculty member), area of expertise, diversity, and a geographic distribution from across the state.
In what activities might I participate?
You could be involved in the following test development activities:
- Develop and
validate competencies, skills,
and blueprint. This work is
based on matching competencies
and skills to the relevant state-adopted standards, surveys
of content experts in Florida,
and the activities completed by
content experts. Content experts
review the competencies and skills
and recommend changes to bring
them up to date. Then the competencies
and skills are revised and incorporated
into the blueprint, the document
used to develop the certification
examinations. Content experts
review the blueprint and determine
the weight that each of the competencies
and skills should have on an examination.
Once the competencies, skills,
and blueprint are developed, they
are sent out to a sample population
for feedback. The validation committee
members will incorporate the feedback
results into their review process.
- Develop and
validate test item specifications.
Test item specifications are instructions
to test developers for creating
new items. Each specification
is coded to the appropriate competency
and skill it represents, describes
the skill, and provides the context
and content for the test item.
A sample test item is included.
Once the development process is
complete, the test item specifications
are validated.
- Develop and
validate test items. Subject
matter experts use the blueprint
and test item specifications to
revise or develop test items.
The test items are field-tested
in secure settings around Florida.
The test items and field test data are then presented
to the item validation committee
for review. Once validated, the
test items become part of the
test bank and are incorporated
into future certification examinations.
- Validate
test forms. Once the item
banks are updated, new certification
tests are drawn from these banks.
A committee of content experts
will review the tests and verify
the answer keys.
- Revise test
information guides. Once the
test item development process
is completed, the test information
guides are updated to include
the new information. The test
information guide committee will
provide input into the development
of online versions of the
information guides. These are available to examinees for free.
- Develop and
validate competencies, skills,
and blueprint. This work is
based on matching competencies
and skills to the relevant state-adopted standards, surveys
of content experts in Florida,
and the activities completed by
content experts. Content experts
review the competencies and skills
and recommend changes to bring
them up to date. Then the competencies
and skills are revised and incorporated
into the blueprint, the document
used to develop the certification
examinations. Content experts
review the blueprint and determine
the weight that each of the competencies
and skills should have on an examination.
Once the competencies, skills,
and blueprint are developed, they
are sent out to a sample population
for feedback. The validation committee
members will incorporate the feedback
results into their review process.
Will I be expected to participate in all of these test development activities?
We understand that educators have many other commitments and may not be able to participate in all of the meetings. The successful review and updating of the Florida Teacher Certification Examinations relies upon the participation of multiple educators throughout the test development process.
How does my school district get reimbursed for a substitute teacher?
You will receive a form at each meeting you attend that is to be completed and submitted to your district for substitute reimbursement.
Will I receive a stipend for my time and effort?
For individuals whose attendance requires their school district to hire a substitute teacher, reimbursement is available to the district. Other individuals will receive a stipend of $250 per 8-hour meeting day. Individuals should refer to their district or institution policy to determine if they are eligible to receive the stipend.
Do I make my own hotel reservations?
Evaluation Systems group of Pearson will submit your overnight accommodation request to the hotel. No action is needed on your part. Room and tax are directly billed to Evaluation Systems. You will be asked to provide a credit card for incidentals.
How do I get reimbursed for my travel and meal expenses? How do I get reimbursed for my mileage?
Please hold on to all your receipts and keep track of your mileage. You will receive reimbursement forms and information about completing them at each meeting.
I have colleagues who would like to attend. May I invite them to participate?
All participants need to submit an application, which must be approved. Please ask your colleagues to complete and submit an application, or you may nominate them by completing a nomination form.